Tuesday, March 25, 2014

About us

This blog is the brainchild of my own, who lost his Right Leg Above-knee due to negligence and carelessness in treatment. Ultimately, this harsh experience was the driving force to create a blog in order to help people with physical disabilities. My blog intends to encourage people with disabilities, tries to lift their optimism and hopes to help to overcome bias in order to reduce prejudices against all physically disabled worldwide. Inevitably, we cannot change all these long-standing stereotypes, intolerances and inequality issues in many countries simply over night. However, we strongly believe that every little success helps to lift the optimism of those who are concerned and conveys the important message that no-one on this planet should be coerced into a feeling of inferiority simply because of a physical disability. Our aim is to demonstrate that, firstly, “Disability” is by no means contradictory terms. Secondly, disabled people are as happy and have the same quality and standard of life as their able-bodied contemporaries. And last but not least: there is no point in worrying about finding the right guy, girl, partner or soul mate, and also no reason to hide from the world because of a physical disability.

Our aims and objectives:

  • Improve quality of life for all amputees.
  • Encourage amputees to develop a positive approach to living with amputation through motivational and inspirational stories.
  • Educate amputees with information on Latest Advanced Technology Artificial limbs or Prosthetics and all aspects of amputation.
  • Raise awareness about issues as diverse as the experiences and abilities of amputees.

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