Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brett Bolton - Hip Disarticulate Amputee Kid


My friends today I am going to share a story of a six-year-old “Brett Bolton”. Brett Bolton is hip disarticulate amputee, who is having bundle of high energy. The first thing which you will notice is his big smile and then, if he slows down for a minute, you might see that he is wearing a prosthetic leg.
Let me tell you more about him

Brett Bolton, born without a leg, has come a long way since he was adopted from an orphanage in China 4 years ago. Not only is his running, walking, and keeping up with other kids his age, Brett also excels at gymnastics.  He recently competed in a competition with able-bodied kids and took 2nd place in floor exercises.

Brett Bolton was born on April 8, 2006 in Henan Province, China.  Although born without a left leg, he was blessed with the spirit and determination necessary to overcome any obstacles that might present. His parents, Cindy and Russ Bolton, first learned of Brett through an on-line adoption support group. They were used to receiving emails with photographs of children looking for families, and Cindy would usually peek at the child’s photo and pray he/she would find their family. . But when she opened the photo of Fu Gao Sheng, she knew something was different…her heart told her he was her son. Soon the Boltons were working at high speed to complete the adoption process and bring their son home. He participated in races, swimming, swinging, and even drove a scooter. The Bolton’s marveled at his ability to adapt, and looked forward to providing him with a prosthesis which would allow him to become even more independent.
One year, and a lot of prayers and paperwork later, Brett joined his new family in Orlando.  They had been preparing for his arrival, which included the selection of a facility to make Brett a prosthetic leg. Through an acquaintance met on their adoption support group, they were put in touch with Prosthetic and Orthotic Associates, and in September 2009 we began the process of making his first leg.

Brett was born with just a small nub of tissue where his femur should have been, he needed to be fit with a hip disarticulate design prosthesis. Throughout the fitting process, he and his family anxiously awaited the day Brett would take his first steps.  The first day he managed to take a few steps by swinging his hips. He was fascinated by his new foot, complete with five toes which he enjoyed counting. His parents also dedicated themselves to working with him at home, and their efforts paid off.  Soon Brett was walking independently on his own two feet, and he hasn’t stopped since, between attending pre-school, playing with his sisters and many other activities. And now recently he competed in a gymnastics competition with able-bodied kids and took 2nd place in floor exercises.

So, my friends we need to learn from Brett Bolton that we can do everything if we have strong will power and positive energy. I am here for you guys and I will keep updating relevant information, Real Stories and Details about Advance Technology Prosthetics for you. If you have any question or query and need my help on anything you can mail me at

I need your wishes and Love.
Thank you    

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